Third party DI containers

To enable third party containers support it is necessary to bootstrap the Radical application using the generic host support. To enable generic host support:

  • Add a reference to the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting nuget package

  • Change the app boostrapping code as follows:

class App
   public App()
      var host = new HostBuilder()

      Startup += async (s, e) => 
         await host.StartAsync();

      Exit += async (s, e) =>
         using (host)
            await host?.StopAsync();

Using the above code sample the application boostrapping process is now delegated to the generic host. To add support for a different IoC container, for example Autofac, do the following:

  • Add a reference to the Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection nuget package

  • Change the HostBuilder creation section to add Autofac support as follows:

var host = new HostBuilder()
    .UseServiceProviderFactory(new AutofacServiceProviderFactory())

Refer to the documentation of you container of choice to get an overview of the steps required to integrate with the generic host. A full sample is available in the documentation repository at

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